How Many Ounces in a Standard Cup of Coffee? 

When brewing coffee, you need the correct amounts of water and coffee grounds in ounces to create that balanced ratio that delivers optimal flavor. You’ve heard that six ounces is the standard, but you’ve also heard it’s eight ounces. Which is it? Six ounces, not eight ounces, is the standard for coffee …

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How Many Scoops Do I Need for 10 Cups of Coffee? 

Your office has a big meeting coming up today and you’ve been tasked with making the coffee. You have to brew 10 cups, which is more coffee than you’ve ever handled at once. Approximately how many scoops of ground coffee do you need for 10 cups? To make 10 cups of coffee, …

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How Many Cups of Coffee Do People Drink Per Day? 

Even on the weekends, you never start a day without coffee. You need the caffeinated goodness to energize you so you can wake up and feel your best. Sometimes, you wonder if maybe you drink too much coffee. What is the standard number of coffee cups consumed by the average person per …

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How Do I Get the Best Flavor from a Keurig Coffeemaker? 

You love your Keurig coffeemaker. It’s gotten you through many long days when you otherwise would have passed out at your desk. Lately, though, your Keurig isn’t making the high-caliber coffee you know it’s capable of. How can you enhance its flavor? Here are some tips for boosting the flavor of a …

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Can I Use a K-Cup Twice? 

Since you’re often paying over a dollar per pod, K-Cups can veer into rather expensive territory. You may wish to milk every last drop of coffee out of the pods so you get your money’s worth. After brewing once with a K-Cup, can you use it again? You shouldn’t use K-Cups twice …

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What Coffee Beans Make the Strongest Coffee?

You may be one of those people that a regular strength coffee doesn’t quite cut it. What you crave is a strong cup of coffee with bold flavor. First, let’s discuss what strong coffee actually means. There’s often some confusion regarding what a strong cup of coffee refers to. The interpretation of …

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