How to Make Cold Brew Coffee at Home

Do you love a good cold brew? So do many people, but they don’t love the prices. Cold-brew coffee usually costs $3 or more at most coffee chains and cafés. Starbucks sells its cold brew beverage for $3.50. You’d love to save money by making cold brew coffee at home. How is …

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What Is Cowboy Coffee And How Do I Make It? 

From espressos to iced coffee, café au lait, macchiatos, and cappuccinos, you’ve brewed them all. You’re looking to expand your coffee horizons when a buddy mentions cowboy coffee. Now here’s a type of coffee you haven’t heard about. What is cowboy coffee and how is it made? Cowboy coffee invokes the resources …

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How to Make Iced Coffee at Home

How many hot summer days have you bought iced coffee at a drive-through only to have the ice mostly melt by the time you got it home? You don’t have to waste your time or money anymore when you can make tasty, fresh, and low-cost iced coffee at home. How do you …

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How Many Cups of Coffee Per Person for Large Groups? 

As the meeting coordinator for your company, you need to know how much coffee is required to fuel your staff. This way, you can allocate the budget for that amount and ensure that no one is short-changed their coffee during the meeting. How many cups of coffee will each person in a …

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What Type of Water Should I Use in My Coffeemaker? 

Since so much of a cup of coffee comprises water, the type of water you choose is integral. Is it okay to use plain water from the tap, or should you stick to bottled only? What’s the best type of water for brewing coffee? Per the Specialty Coffee Association of America or …

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