What Coffee Beans Make the Strongest Coffee?

You may be one of those people that a regular strength coffee doesn’t quite cut it. What you crave is a strong cup of coffee with bold flavor. First, let’s discuss what strong coffee actually means. There’s often some confusion regarding what a strong cup of coffee refers to. The interpretation of …

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Are Coffee Beans a Fruit?

I remember a coffee roaster once telling me his favorite piece of coffee trivia was that coffee beans are not beans at all. People call them beans because of how they look. Beans don’t look like leaves or branches, so I figured they must be part of the fruit. Is my cappuccino …

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Should Coffee Beans be Refrigerated?

Trying to keep your coffee beans fresher longer is a goal for most coffee lovers because fresh is always better. Not only will your cup of coffee taste better, but the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans is also sought after. You may have heard that keeping your coffee beans in the …

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What Does Arabica Coffee Beans Mean?

Have you noticed that the word “Arabica” has been cropping up more and more in coffee? I have. McDonald’s mentions it in advertising, grocery stores have it written on their bags of coffee, and hipster coffee shops would not dream of using anything else. But… What does Arabica Coffee beans mean? Arabica coffee …

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What Does a Coffee Roaster do?

Many people and equipment are involved in getting coffee from a seed in a cherry to a drink in your cup. There are endless videos on youtube of baristas brewing coffee in filters or on espresso machines. There is much less information on the most magical equipment—the coffee roaster.  Without the coffee …

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How Can You Tell the Quality of Coffee Beans?

You want to buy a good quality coffee bean to make that delicious cup of coffee with, but how do you go about doing so? The endless coffee brands on store shelves and the tremendous variety on the internet can be daunting at times. I only seek after quality beans, but how …

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