How to Know if Your Coffee is Under or Over-Extracted?

You try your best daily to brew that perfect cup of coffee, striving for just the right amount of sweetness, acidity, boldness, and flavor. Simply put, you want a balanced cup of coffee. Well, understanding more about coffee extraction will help you achieve your goal. First, we need to answer the question, …

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Why Does My Coffee Bubble When Poured?

If you stumbled across this article, you’ve probably experienced tiny bubbles in your coffee when pouring it and wondered why this is happening. Is there residual soap in your coffee pot or cup? Most likely, this is not the case. The bubbles or foam you see when pouring your coffee are due …

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Differences Between Light, Medium, and Dark Roast Coffee

A common question I hear concerning coffee is, “What’s the difference between the three main coffee roasts?” There’s a lot of misconception about what the roasts actually mean. So today, we’re going to answer this very important question. Roast level significantly impacts how coffee tastes. In light roasts, the natural flavors are …

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Can I Put Coffee Grounds in My Composting Bin?

Every day you throw away used coffee grounds in the trash and wonder if there’s a better way of disposing of them, such as composting. You know other kitchen scraps can be used to help your garden’s soil be rich in nutrients, but can you add coffee grounds to your composting bin? …

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How to Infuse Coffee with Cinnamon

Are you tired of the same old coffee you drink every morning? Maybe you have already tried adding sugar, various creamers, and honey, but you’re looking for something new. Well, cinnamon is a great option to try. The best way to infuse your coffee with cinnamon is to liberally shake powdered cinnamon …

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What Is a Shot of Coffee and How to Make One?

According to a 2020 report from the National Coffee Association or NCA, the average American coffee drinker ingests three cups per day. Some people can get by on just a shot of coffee, as it’s usually highly caffeinated. What is a shot of coffee, and how do you make one? A shot …

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